Gecoder C0 Coverage Information - RCov


Name Total Lines Lines of Code Total Coverage Code Coverage
lib/gecoder/interface/constraints/bool/linear.rb 200 126


Code reported as executed by Ruby looks like this...and this: this line is also marked as covered.Lines considered as run by rcov, but not reported by Ruby, look like this,and this: these lines were inferred by rcov (using simple heuristics).Finally, here's a line marked as not executed.

Coverage Details

1 module Gecode::Bool
2   module BoolLinearOperations #:nodoc:
3     # Produces an IntOperand representing the value of this boolean
4     # operand (0 or 1) plus +op2+.
5     #
6     # ==== Examples 
7     #
8     #   # +bool1+ plus +bool2+
9     #   bool1 + bool2
10     def +(op2)
11       bool_linear_expression_operation(:+, op2)
12     end
14     # Produces an IntOperand representing the value of this boolean
15     # operand (0 or 1) times a constant.
16     #
17     # ==== Examples 
18     #
19     #   # +bool+ times 17
20     #   bool * 17
21     def *(fixnum)
22       if fixnum.kind_of? Fixnum
23         bool_linear_expression_operation(:*, fixnum)
24       else
25         raise TypeError, "Expected fixnum, got #{fixnum.class}."
26       end
27     end
29     # Produces an IntOperand representing the value of this boolean
30     # operand (0 or 1) minus +op2+.
31     #
32     # ==== Examples 
33     #
34     #   # +bool1+ minus +bool2+
35     #   bool1 - bool2
36     def -(op2)
37       bool_linear_expression_operation(:-, op2)
38     end
40     private
42     # Performs the bool linear expression operation +operator+ on self
43     # and +operand2+.
44     def bool_linear_expression_operation(operator, operand2)
45       linear_module = Linear
46       unless operand2.respond_to? :to_minimodel_lin_exp
47         operand2 = operand2
48       end
49       operand1 = self
50       unless operand1.respond_to? :to_minimodel_lin_exp
51         operand1 =, @model)
52       end
53, operand2, operator)
54     end
55   end
57   module BoolOperand
58     # We include the operations and then redefine them so that they show
59     # up in the documentation.
60     include BoolLinearOperations
62     # Produces an IntOperand representing the value of this boolean
63     # operand (0 or 1) plus +op2+.
64     #
65     # ==== Examples 
66     #
67     #   # +bool1+ plus +bool2+
68     #   bool1 + bool2
69     def +(op2)
70       bool_linear_expression_operation(:+, op2)
71     end
73     # Produces an IntOperand representing the value of this boolean
74     # operand (0 or 1) times a constant.
75     #
76     # ==== Examples 
77     #
78     #   # +bool+ times 17
79     #   bool * 17
80     def *(fixnum)
81       if fixnum.kind_of? Fixnum
82         bool_linear_expression_operation(:*, fixnum)
83       else
84         raise TypeError, "Expected fixnum, got #{fixnum.class}."
85       end
86     end
88     # Produces an IntOperand representing the value of this boolean
89     # operand (0 or 1) minus +op2+.
90     #
91     # ==== Examples 
92     #
93     #   # +bool1+ minus +bool2+
94     #   bool1 - bool2
95     def -(op2)
96       bool_linear_expression_operation(:-, op2)
97     end
98   end
100   # A module that gathers the classes and modules used in linear constraints.
101   module Linear #:nodoc:
102     class LinearRelationConstraint < Gecode::ReifiableConstraint #:nodoc:
103       def post
104         lhs, rhs, relation_type, reif_var = 
105           @params.values_at(:lhs, :rhs, :relation_type, :reif)
106         reif_var = reif_var.to_bool_var.bind if reif_var.respond_to? :to_bool_var
107         final_exp = (lhs.to_minimodel_lin_exp - rhs.to_minimodel_lin_exp)
108         if reif_var.nil?
109 , relation_type, 
110             *propagation_options)
111         else
112 , relation_type, reif_var, 
113             *propagation_options)
114         end
115       end
116     end
118     # Describes a binary tree of expression nodes which together form a linear 
119     # expression.
120     class ExpressionTree < Gecode::Int::ShortCircuitRelationsOperand #:nodoc:
121       include Gecode::Bool::BoolLinearOperations
122       attr :model
124       # Constructs a new expression with the specified operands.
125       def initialize(left_node, right_node, operation)
126         super(left_node.model || right_node.model)
127         @left = left_node
128         @right = right_node
129         @operation = operation
130         @model = @left.model || @right.model
131       end
133       # Converts the linear expression to an instance of 
134       # Gecode::Raw::MiniModel::LinExpr
135       def to_minimodel_lin_exp
136         @left.to_minimodel_lin_exp.send(@operation, @right.to_minimodel_lin_exp)
137       end
139       alias_method :pre_bool_construct_receiver, :construct_receiver
140       def construct_receiver(params)
141         receiver = pre_bool_construct_receiver(params)
142         lhs = self
143         receiver.instance_eval{ @lhs = lhs }
144         class <<receiver
145           alias_method :pre_bool_equality, :==
146           def ==(op, options = {})
147             if op.respond_to? :to_bool_var
148               (@lhs - op).must.equal(0, options)
149             else
150               pre_bool_equality(op, options)
151             end
152           end
153           alias_comparison_methods
154         end
155         return receiver
156       end
158       def relation_constraint(relation, bool_operand_or_fix, params)
159         unless params[:negate]
160           relation_type = 
161             Gecode::Util::RELATION_TYPES[relation]
162         else
163           relation_type = 
164             Gecode::Util::NEGATED_RELATION_TYPES[relation]
165         end
167         unless bool_operand_or_fix.respond_to? :to_minimodel_lin_exp
168           bool_operand_or_fix =;
169         end
171         params.update(:rhs => bool_operand_or_fix, :relation_type => relation_type)
172, params)
173       end
174     end
176     # Describes a single node in a linear expression.
177     class ExpressionNode #:nodoc:
178       attr :model
180       def initialize(value, model = nil)
181         unless value.respond_to?(:to_bool_var) or value.kind_of?(Fixnum)
182           raise TypeError, 'Expected bool operand or ' + 
183             "fixnum, got #{value.class}."
184         end
185         @value = value
186         @model = model
187       end
189       # Converts the linear expression to an instance of 
190       # Gecode::Raw::MiniModel::LinExpr
191       def to_minimodel_lin_exp
192         expression = @value
193         if expression.respond_to? :to_bool_var
194           expression = expression.to_bool_var.bind * 1
195         end
196         expression
197       end
198     end
199   end
200 end

Generated on Thu Jan 08 13:27:03 +0100 2015 with rcov 1.0.0