Gecoder C0 Coverage Information - RCov


Name Total Lines Lines of Code Total Coverage Code Coverage
lib/gecoder/interface/constraints/int_enum/extensional.rb 187 59


Code reported as executed by Ruby looks like this...and this: this line is also marked as covered.Lines considered as run by rcov, but not reported by Ruby, look like this,and this: these lines were inferred by rcov (using simple heuristics).Finally, here's a line marked as not executed.

Coverage Details

1 module Gecode::IntEnum
2   class IntEnumConstraintReceiver
3     # Constrains all the operands in this enumeration to be equal to
4     # one of the specified tuples. Neither negation nor reification is
5     # supported.
6     # 
7     # ==== Examples 
8     # 
9     #   # Constrains the two integer operands in +numbers+ to either have 
10     #   # values 1 and 7, or values 47 and 11.
11     # [[1,7], [47,11]]
12     #
13     #   # The same as above, but preferring speed over low memory usage.
14     #[[1,7], [47,11]], :kind => :speed)
15     def in(tuples, options = {})
16       if @params[:negate]
17         raise Gecode::MissingConstraintError, 'A negated tuple constraint is ' +
18           'not implemented.'
19       end
20       unless options[:reify].nil?
21         raise ArgumentError, 'Reification is not supported by the tuple ' + 
22           'constraint.'
23       end
25       util = Gecode::Util
27       # Check that the tuples are correct.
28       expected_size = @params[:lhs].size
29       util::Extensional.perform_tuple_checks(tuples, expected_size) do |tuple|
30         unless tuple.all?{ |x| x.kind_of? Fixnum }
31           raise TypeError, 'All tuples must contain Fixnum.'
32         end
33       end
35       @params[:tuples] = tuples
36       @model.add_constraint, 
37         @params.update(util.decode_options(options)))
38     end
40     # Constrains the sequence of operands in this enumeration to match
41     # a specified regexp in the integer domain. Neither negation nor
42     # reification is supported.
43     #
44     # == Regexp syntax
45     #
46     # The regular expressions are specified using arrays, integers and a
47     # few methods provided by Mixin. Arrays are used to group the
48     # integers in sequences that must be matched. The following array
49     # describes a regular expression matching a 1 followed by a 7.
50     #
51     #   [1, 7]
52     #
53     # Arrays can be nested or left out when not needed. I.e. the above
54     # is semantically equal to
55     #
56     #   [[[1], 7]]
57     #
58     # A couple of methods provided by Mixin are used to express patterns 
59     # beyond mere sequences:
60     #
61     # [Mixin#repeat] Used for specifying patterns that include patterns
62     #                that may be repeated a given number of times. The 
63     #                number of times to repeat a pattern can be specified 
64     #                using a lower and upper bound, but the bounds can be 
65     #                omitted to for instance allow an expression to be 
66     #                repeated any number of times.
67     # [Mixin#any]    Used for specifying alternatives.
68     # 
69     # Additionally Mixin#at_least_once and Mixin#at_most_once are
70     # provided as convenience methods.
71     #
72     # ==== Examples 
73     #
74     #   # Matches 1 followed by any number of 2s.
75     #   [1, repeat(2)]
76     #
77     #   # Semantically the same as above. It just has a bunch of
78     #   # needless brackets thrown in.
79     #   [[1], [repeat([2])]]
80     #
81     #   # Matches 1 followed by [a 2 followed by a 3] at least two times.
82     #   # Matches e.g. 1, 2, 3, 2, 3
83     #   [1, repeat([2, 3], 2)]
84     #
85     #   # Matches between one and two [2 followed by [at least three 1]] 
86     #   # followed by between three and four 3. Matches e.g. 
87     #   # 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3
88     #   [repeat([2, repeat(1, 3], 1, 2), repeat(3, 3, 4)]
89     #
90     #   # Matches [1, 2 or 3] followed by 4. Matches e.g. 2, 4
91     #   [any(1, 2, 3), 4]
92     #
93     #   # Matches 0 followed by [[1 followed by 2] or [3 followed by 5]]. 
94     #   # Matches e.g. 0, 1, 2 as well as 0, 3, 5
95     #   [0, any([1, 2], [3, 5])]
96     #
97     #   # Matches 0 followed by [[[1 followed by 7] at least two times] 
98     #   # or [[8, 9], at most two times]. Matches e.g. 
99     #   # 0, 1, 7, 1, 7, 1, 7 as well as 0, 8, 9
100     #   [0, any(repeat([1, 7], 2), repeat([8, 9], 0, 2)]
101     #
102     #   # Matches 0 followed by at least one 1.
103     #   [0, at_least_once(1)]
104     #
105     #   # Exactly the same as the above.
106     #   [0, repeat(1, 1)]
107     #
108     #   # Matches 0 followed by at least one [[1 followed by 7] or [3
109     #   # followed by 2]]. Matches e.g. 0, 1, 7, 3, 2, 1, 7
110     #   [0, at_least_once(any([1, 7], [3, 2]]
111     #
112     #   # Matches 0 followed by at either [[1 followed by 7] at least once] 
113     #   # or [[3 followed by 2] at least once]. Matches e.g. 
114     #   # 0, 1, 7, 1, 7 but does _not_ match 0, 1, 7, 3, 2, 1, 7
115     #   [0, any(at_least_once([1, 7]), at_least_once([3, 2])]
116     #
117     #   # Matches 0, followed by at most one 1. Matches 0 as well as 
118     #   # 0, 1
119     #   [0, at_most_once(1)]
120     #
121     #   # Exactly the same as the above.
122     #   [0, repeat(1, 0, 1)]
123     #
124     # ==== Examples 
125     #
126     #   # Constrains the two integer operands in +numbers+ to have
127     #   # values 1 and 7.
128     #   numbers.must.match [1, 7]
129     #
130     #   # Constrains the integer operands in +numbers+ to contain the
131     #   # value 47 followed by 11, with all other values set to -1.
132     #   numbers.must.match [repeat(-1), 47, 11, repeat(-1)]
133     #
134     #   # Constrains exactly three of the integer operands in +numbers+ to 
135     #   # contain 47 or 11, each followed by at least two
136     #   # operands set to -1. All other operands are constrained to
137     #   # equal -1.
138     #   numbers.must.match repeat([repeat(-1), any(11, 47), 
139     #                              repeat(-1, 2)], 3, 3)
140     #
141     def match(regexp, options = {})
142       if @params[:negate]
143         raise Gecode::MissingConstraintError, 'A negated regexp constraint ' +
144           'is not implemented.'
145       end
146       unless options[:reify].nil?
147         raise ArgumentError, 'Reification is not supported by the regexp ' + 
148           'constraint.'
149       end
151       @params[:regexp] = 
152         Gecode::Util::Extensional.parse_regexp regexp
153       @params.update Gecode::Util.decode_options(options)
154       @model.add_constraint, @params)
155     end
156   end
158   # A module that gathers the classes and modules used in extensional 
159   # constraints.
160   module Extensional #:nodoc:
161     class TupleConstraint < Gecode::Constraint #:nodoc:
162       def post
163         # Bind lhs.
164         lhs = @params[:lhs].to_int_enum.bind_array
166         # Create the tuple set.
167         tuple_set =
168         @params[:tuples].each do |tuple|
169           tuple_set.add tuple
170         end
171         tuple_set.finalize
173         # Post the constraint.
174         Gecode::Raw::extensional(@model.active_space, lhs, tuple_set, 
175           *propagation_options)
176       end
177     end
179     class RegexpConstraint < Gecode::Constraint #:nodoc:
180       def post
181         lhs, regexp = @params.values_at(:lhs, :regexp)
182         Gecode::Raw::extensional(@model.active_space, 
183           lhs.to_int_enum.bind_array, regexp, *propagation_options)
184       end
185     end
186   end
187 end

Generated on Thu Jan 08 13:27:03 +0100 2015 with rcov 1.0.0