Gecoder C0 Coverage Information - RCov


Name Total Lines Lines of Code Total Coverage Code Coverage
lib/gecoder/interface/constraints/int_enum/sort.rb 135 80


Code reported as executed by Ruby looks like this...and this: this line is also marked as covered.Lines considered as run by rcov, but not reported by Ruby, look like this,and this: these lines were inferred by rcov (using simple heuristics).Finally, here's a line marked as not executed.

Coverage Details

1 module Gecode::IntEnum
2   class IntEnumConstraintReceiver
3     # Constrains the elements in this enumeration to be sorted in ascending 
4     # order. The following options can be given in addition to the
5     # common constraint options:
6     # 
7     # [:as]     Defines a target (must be an IntEnum) that will
8     #           hold the sorted version of the original enumerable. The original
9     #           enumerable will not be affected (i.e. will not necessarily be 
10     #           sorted)
11     # [:order]  Sets an IntEnum that should be used to store the
12     #           order of the original enum's operands when sorted. The original
13     #           enumerable will not be affected (i.e. will not necessarily be 
14     #           sorted)
15     # 
16     # If neither of those options are specified then the original enumerable
17     # will be constrained to be sorted (otherwise not). Sort constraints with
18     # options do not allow negation.
19     #
20     # ==== Examples 
21     #
22     #   # Constrain +numbers+ to be sorted.
23     #   numbers.must_be.sorted
24     #
25     #   # Constrain +numbers+ to not be sorted.
26     #   numbers.must_not_be.sorted
27     # 
28     #   # Constrain +sorted_numbers+ to be a sorted version of +numbers+. 
29     #   numbers.must_be.sorted(:as => sorted_numbers)
30     #
31     #   # Constrain +order+ to be the order in which +numbers+ has to be
32     #   # ordered to be sorted.
33     #   numbers.must_be.sorted(:order => order)
34     #   
35     #   # Constrain +sorted_numbers+ to be +numbers+ sorted in the order 
36     #   # described by the IntEnum +order+. 
37     #   numbers.must_be.sorted(:as => sorted_numbers, :order => order)
38     #
39     #   # Constrains +numbers+ to be sorted, reifying with the boolean 
40     #   # operand +is_sorted+, while selecting +domain+ as strength.
41     #   numbers.must_be.sorted(:reify => :is_sorted, :strength => :domain)
42     def sorted(options = {})
43       # Extract and check options.
44       target = options.delete(:as)
45       order = options.delete(:order)
46       unless target.nil? or target.respond_to? :to_int_enum
47         raise TypeError, 'Expected int var enum as :as, got ' + 
48           "#{target.class}."
49       end
50       unless order.nil? or order.respond_to? :to_int_enum
51         raise TypeError, 'Expected int var enum as :order, got ' + 
52           "#{order.class}."
53       end
55       # Extract standard options and convert to constraint.
56       reified = !options[:reify].nil?
57       @params.update(Gecode::Util.decode_options(options))
58       if target.nil? and order.nil?
59         @model.add_constraint, @params)
60       else
61         # Do not allow negation.
62         if @params[:negate]
63           raise Gecode::MissingConstraintError, 'A negated sort with options ' +
64             'is not implemented.'
65         end
66         if reified
67           raise ArgumentError, 'Reification is not supported by the sorted ' + 
68             'constraint.'
69         end
71         @params.update(:target => target, :order => order)
72         @model.add_constraint, 
73           @params)
74       end
75     end
76   end
78   # A module that gathers the classes and modules used in sort constraints.
79   module Sort #:nodoc:
80     class SortConstraintWithOptions < Gecode::Constraint #:nodoc:
81       def post
82         if @params[:target].nil?
83           # We must have a target.
84           lhs = @params[:lhs].to_int_enum
85           @params[:target] = @model.int_var_array(lhs.size, lhs.domain_range)
86         end
88         # Prepare the parameters.
89         params = @params.values_at(:lhs, :target, :order).map do |param| 
90           if param.respond_to? :to_int_enum
91             param.to_int_enum.bind_array
92           else
93             param
94           end
95         end.delete_if{ |param| param.nil? }
96         params.concat propagation_options
98         # Post the constraint.
99         Gecode::Raw::sorted(@model.active_space, *params)
100       end
101     end
103     class SortConstraint < Gecode::ReifiableConstraint #:nodoc:
104       def post
105         lhs, strength, kind, reif_var = 
106           @params.values_at(:lhs, :strength, :kind, :reif)
107         using_reification = !reif_var.nil?
109         # We translate the constraint into n-1 relation constraints.
110         options = {
111           :strength => 
112             Gecode::Util::PROPAGATION_STRENGTHS.invert[strength],
113           :kind => 
114             Gecode::Util::PROPAGATION_KINDS.invert[kind]
115         }
116         if using_reification
117           reification_variables = @model.bool_var_array(lhs.size - 1)
118         end
119         (lhs.size - 1).times do |i|
120           first, second = lhs[i, 2]
121           rel_options = options.clone
122           if using_reification
123             # Reify each relation constraint and then bind them all together.
124             rel_options[:reify] = reification_variables[i]
125           end
126           first.must_be.less_than_or_equal_to(second, rel_options)
127         end
128         if using_reification
129           reification_variables.conjunction.must == reif_var
130         end
131       end
132       negate_using_reification
133     end
134   end
135 end

Generated on Thu Jan 08 13:27:03 +0100 2015 with rcov 1.0.0