Gecoder C0 Coverage Information - RCov


Name Total Lines Lines of Code Total Coverage Code Coverage
lib/gecoder/interface/constraints/reifiable_constraints.rb 78 49


Code reported as executed by Ruby looks like this...and this: this line is also marked as covered.Lines considered as run by rcov, but not reported by Ruby, look like this,and this: these lines were inferred by rcov (using simple heuristics).Finally, here's a line marked as not executed.

Coverage Details

1 module Gecode
2   # Base class for all reifiable constraints.
3   class ReifiableConstraint < Constraint #:nodoc:
4     # Gets the reification operand of the constraint, nil if none exists.
5     def reification_var
6       @params[:reif]
7     end
9     # Sets the reification operand of the constraint, nil if none should be
10     # used.
11     def reification_var=(new_var)
12       @params[:reif] = new_var
13     end
15     # Produces a disjunction of two reifiable constraints, producing a new
16     # reifiable constraint.
17     def |(constraint)
18       with_reification_operands(constraint) do |b1, b2|
19         # Create the disjunction constraint.
20         (b1 | b2).must_be.true
21       end
22     end
24     # Produces a conjunction of two reifiable constraints, producing a new
25     # reifiable constraint.
26     def &(constraint)
27       with_reification_operands(constraint) do |b1, b2|
28         # Create the conjunction constraint.
29         (b1 & b2).must_be.true
30       end
31     end
33     private
35     # Yields two boolean operands to the specified block. The first one
36     # is self's reification operand and the second one is the
37     # reification operand of the specified constraint. Reuses
38     # reification operands if possible, otherwise creates new ones.
39     def with_reification_operands(constraint, &block)
40       raise TypeError unless constraint.kind_of? ReifiableConstraint
42       # Set up the reification operands, using existing operands if they 
43       # exist.
44       con1_holds = self.reification_var
45       con2_holds = constraint.reification_var
46       if con1_holds.nil?
47         con1_holds = @model.bool_var
48         self.reification_var = con1_holds
49       end
50       if con2_holds.nil?
51         con2_holds = @model.bool_var
52         constraint.reification_var = con2_holds
53       end
54       yield(con1_holds, con2_holds)
55     end
57     # If called the negation of the constraint will be handled using the 
58     # reification operand. This means that the post method (which has to be 
59     # defined prior to calling this method) doesn't have to bother about 
60     # negation.
61     def self.negate_using_reification
62       class_eval do
63         alias_method :post_without_negation, :post
65         def post
66           if @params[:negate]
67             if @params[:reif].nil?
68               # Create a reification variable if none exists.
69               @params[:reif] = @model.bool_var
70             end
71             @params[:reif].must_be.false
72           end
73           post_without_negation
74         end
75       end
76     end
77   end
78 end

Generated on Thu Jan 08 13:27:03 +0100 2015 with rcov 1.0.0