Gecoder C0 Coverage Information - RCov


Name Total Lines Lines of Code Total Coverage Code Coverage
lib/gecoder/interface/constraints/selected_set/select.rb 120 82


Code reported as executed by Ruby looks like this...and this: this line is also marked as covered.Lines considered as run by rcov, but not reported by Ruby, look like this,and this: these lines were inferred by rcov (using simple heuristics).Finally, here's a line marked as not executed.

Coverage Details

1 module Gecode::SelectedSet
2   class SelectedSetOperand
3     # Produces a SetOperand representing the selected sets' union.
4     #
5     # ==== Examples 
6     #
7     #   # The union of all sets selected by +set_enum[set]+.
8     #   set_enum[set].union
9     def union
10, self)
11     end
13     # Produces a SetOperand representing the selected sets' intersection.
14     # The option :with can be used to enumerate the elements in the
15     # universe.
16     #
17     # ==== Examples 
18     #
19     #   # The intersection of all sets selected by +set_enum[set]+.
20     #   set_enum[set].intersection
21     #
22     #   # The same intersection as above, but with [3,5,7] as universe.
23     #   set_enum[set].intersection(:with => [3,5,7])
24     def intersection(options = {})
25       universe = nil
26       unless options.empty? 
27         unless options.size == 1 and options.has_key?(:with)
28           raise ArgumentError, "Expected option key :with, got #{options.keys}."
29         else
30           universe = options[:with]
31           unless universe.kind_of?(Enumerable) and 
32               universe.all?{ |element| element.kind_of? Fixnum }
33             raise TypeError, "Expected the universe to be specified as " + 
34               "an enumeration of fixnum, got #{universe.class}."
35           end
36         end
37       end
39, self, universe)
40     end
41   end
43   class SelectedSetConstraintReceiver
44     # Constrains the selected sets to be pairwise disjoint.
45     #
46     # ==== Examples 
47     #
48     #   # Constrains all sets selected by +set_enum[set]+ to be pairwise
49     #   # disjoint.
50     #   set_enum[set].must_be.disjoint 
51     def disjoint(options = {})
52       if @params[:negate]
53         raise Gecode::MissingConstraintError, 'A negated disjoint constraint ' + 
54           'is not implemented.'
55       end
56       if options.has_key? :reify
57         raise ArgumentError, 'The disjoint constraint does not support the ' + 
58           'reification option.'
59       end
61       @params.update Gecode::Set::Util.decode_options(options)
62       @model.add_constraint, @params)
63     end
64   end
66   module Element #:nodoc:
67     class SelectedSetUnionOperand < Gecode::Set::ShortCircuitEqualityOperand #:nodoc:
68       def initialize(model, selected_set)
69         super model
70         @selected_set = selected_set
71       end
73       def constrain_equal(set_operand, constrain, propagation_options)
74         enum, indices = @selected_set.to_selected_set
75         if constrain
76           set_operand.must_be.subset_of enum.upper_bound_range
77         end
79         Gecode::Raw::elementsUnion(@model.active_space, 
80           enum.to_set_enum.bind_array, indices.to_set_var.bind, 
81           set_operand.to_set_var.bind)
82       end
83     end
85     class SelectedSetIntersectionOperand < Gecode::Set::ShortCircuitEqualityOperand #:nodoc:
86       def initialize(model, selected_set, universe)
87         super model
88         @selected_set = selected_set
89         @universe = universe
90       end
92       def constrain_equal(set_operand, constrain, propagation_options)
93         enum, indices = @selected_set.to_selected_set
94         universe = @universe
96         # We can't do any useful constraining here since the empty intersection
97         # is the universe.
99         if universe.nil?
100           Gecode::Raw::elementsInter(@model.active_space, 
101             enum.to_set_enum.bind_array, indices.to_set_var.bind, 
102             set_operand.to_set_var.bind)
103         else
104           Gecode::Raw::elementsInter(@model.active_space,  
105             enum.to_set_enum.bind_array, indices.to_set_var.bind, 
106             set_operand.to_set_var.bind,
107             Gecode::Util.constant_set_to_int_set(universe))
108         end
109       end
110     end
112     class DisjointConstraint < Gecode::Constraint #:nodoc:
113       def post
114         enum, indices = @params[:lhs].to_selected_set
115         Gecode::Raw.elementsDisjoint(@model.active_space, 
116           enum.to_set_enum.bind_array, indices.to_set_var.bind)
117       end
118     end
119   end
120 end

Generated on Thu Jan 08 13:27:03 +0100 2015 with rcov 1.0.0