Gecoder C0 Coverage Information - RCov


Name Total Lines Lines of Code Total Coverage Code Coverage
lib/gecoder/interface/constraints/set_enum/element.rb 79 50


Code reported as executed by Ruby looks like this...and this: this line is also marked as covered.Lines considered as run by rcov, but not reported by Ruby, look like this,and this: these lines were inferred by rcov (using simple heuristics).Finally, here's a line marked as not executed.

Coverage Details

1 module Gecode::SetEnum
2   module SetEnumOperand
3     # This adds the adder for the methods in the modules including it. The 
4     # reason for doing it so indirect is that the first #[] won't be defined 
5     # before the module that this is mixed into is mixed into an enum.
6     def self.included(mod) #:nodoc:
7       mod.module_eval do
8         # Now we enter the module SetEnumOperands is mixed into.
9         class << self
10           alias_method :pre_set_element_included, :included
11           def included(mod) #:nodoc:
12             mod.module_eval do
13               # Now we enter the module that the module possibly defining #[] 
14               # is mixed into.
15               if instance_methods.include?('[]') and 
16                   not instance_methods.include?('pre_set_element_access')
17                 alias_method :pre_set_element_access, :[]
18               end
20               # Produces a SetOperand representing the i:th set
21               # operand in the enumeration, where i is the value of the
22               # int operand used as index. 
23               #
24               # A set can also be used as index, in which case a
25               # SelectedSetOperand is produced.
26               #
27               # ==== Examples 
28               # 
29               #   # The set operand at the +x+:th position in +set_enum+,
30               #   # where +x+ is a int operand.  
31               #   set_enum[x]
32               #
33               #   # The SelectedSetOperand representing sets at positions
34               #   # included in the value of +set+ in +set_enum+,
35               #   set_enum[set]
36               #
37               def [](*vars)
38                 # Hook in an element constraint if a operand is used for array 
39                 # access.
40                 if vars.first.respond_to? :to_int_var
42                     model, self, vars.first)
43                 elsif vars.first.respond_to? :to_set_var
45                     self, vars.first)
46                 else
47                   if respond_to? :pre_set_element_access
48                     pre_set_element_access(*vars) 
49                   end
50                 end
51               end
52             end
53             pre_set_element_included(mod)
54           end
55         end
56       end
57     end
58   end
60   module Element #:nodoc:
61     class ElementSetOperand < Gecode::Set::ShortCircuitEqualityOperand #:nodoc:
62       def initialize(model, enum_op, position_int_op)
63         super model
64         @enum = enum_op
65         @position = position_int_op
66       end
68       def constrain_equal(set_operand, constrain, propagation_options)
69         enum = @enum.to_set_enum
70         if constrain
71           set_operand.must_be.subset_of enum.upper_bound_range
72         end
74         Gecode::Raw::element(@model.active_space, enum.bind_array, 
75           @position.to_int_var.bind, set_operand.to_set_var.bind)
76       end
77     end
78   end 
79 end

Generated on Thu Jan 08 13:27:03 +0100 2015 with rcov 1.0.0