Gecoder C0 Coverage Information - RCov


Name Total Lines Lines of Code Total Coverage Code Coverage
lib/gecoder/interface/convenience.rb 99 25


Code reported as executed by Ruby looks like this...and this: this line is also marked as covered.Lines considered as run by rcov, but not reported by Ruby, look like this,and this: these lines were inferred by rcov (using simple heuristics).Finally, here's a line marked as not executed.

Coverage Details

1 module Gecode
2   # A convenient class that just includes Gecode::Mixin. Can be useful
3   # when you don't want to create your own class that mixes in
4   # Gecode::Mixin.
5   class Model
6     include Gecode::Mixin
7   end
9   # Provides a convenient way to construct a model and then find a
10   # solution. The model constructed uses the specified block as 
11   # initialization method. The first solution to the model is then
12   # returned.
13   #
14   # For instance
15   #
16   #   solution = Gecode.solve do
17   #     # Do something
18   #   end
19   # 
20   # is equivalent to
21   # 
22   #   class Foo 
23   #     include Gecode::Mixin
24   #
25   #     def initialize
26   #       # Do something
27   #     end
28   #   end
29   #   solution =!
30   def self.solve(&block)
31     create_model(&block).solve!
32   end
34   # Provides a convenient way to construct a model and then find the
35   # solution that maximizes a given variable. The model constructed 
36   # uses the specified block as initialization method. The solution
37   # that maximizes the specified variable is then returned.
38   #
39   # For instance
40   #
41   #   solution = Gecode.maximize :variable_bar do
42   #     # Do something
43   #   end
44   # 
45   # is equivalent to
46   # 
47   #   class Foo 
48   #     include Gecode::Mixin
49   #
50   #     def initialize
51   #       # Do something
52   #     end
53   #   end
54   #   solution = :variable_bar
55   def self.maximize(variable_to_maximize, &block)
56     create_model(&block).maximize! variable_to_maximize
57   end
59   # Provides a convenient way to construct a model and then find the
60   # solution that minimizes a given variable. The model constructed 
61   # uses the specified block as initialization method. The solution
62   # that minimizes the specified variable is then returned.
63   #
64   # For instance
65   #
66   #   solution = Gecode.minimize :variable_bar do
67   #     # Do something
68   #   end
69   # 
70   # is equivalent to
71   # 
72   #   class Foo
73   #     include Gecode::Mixin
74   #
75   #     def initialize
76   #       # Do something
77   #     end
78   #   end
79   #   solution = :variable_bar
80   def self.minimize(variable_to_minimize, &block)
81     create_model(&block).minimize! variable_to_minimize
82   end
84   private
86   # Creates an instance of a class that subclasses Model and uses the 
87   # specified block as initialization method.
88   def self.create_model(&block)
89     model =
90     model.class_eval do
91       include Gecode::Mixin
93       def initialize(&init_block) #:nodoc:
94         instance_eval &init_block
95       end
96     end
98   end
99 end

Generated on Thu Jan 08 13:27:03 +0100 2015 with rcov 1.0.0