
Operands are the basic building blocks in Gecode/R. An operand is anything you can place a constraint on. The most basic operands are the various types of variables, but operand can also be built upon to produced new operands, using properties defined by operands.

All types of operands, their properties and constraints are found in the menu.


Properties are methods, defined by operands, that produce new operands. An example is the + method of integer operands that takes another integer operand and produces a third integer operand that represents the sum of the two operands.

new_integer_operand = int_operand1 + int_operand2

Another example is the size method of set operands that produces an integer operand representing the size of the set.

new_integer_operand = set_operand.size

Use properties to produce the operands that you want to place constraints on.


Constraints are used used to constrain the value of operands. All constraints are placed using the must or must_not methods defined by operands.


The following constraints int_operand to be strictly greater than 5.

int_operand.must > 5

Use operand properties to constrain e.g. the sum of two integer operands.

(int_operand1 + int_operand2).must > 5

Using must_not instead of must negates a constraint. Not all constraints support being negated.


Many constraints accept a reification option, which allows one to combine constraints. All integer and boolean constraints (but not set constraints) also accept a propagation strength option which suggests how much effort the solver should put into pruning the search space based on a constraint.


Reification is used to link a constraint to a boolean variable in such a way that the variable is true if and only if the constraint is satisfied. The propagation goes both ways, so if the variable is constrained to be false then the constraint is not allowed to be satisfied.

Reification can be thought of as a last resort glue which can be used to combine constraints so that e.g. exactly 3 out of 17 constraints must be satisfied.

The variable to use for reification is specified with the key :reify. The following connects the boolean variable is_large with a relation constraint.

number.must_be.greater_than(17, :reify => is_large)

This constraint does not force number to be greater than 17 (which would be the case if no reification has been used).

There exist some syntactic sugar for combining reifiable constraints, which can be used with all reifiable constraints. To express a conjunction of two constraints simply place | between them, analogically for conjunctions and &. The new expression is also a reifiable constraint, so one can nest the expressions if wanted. The following constrains that either x must be less than 0 or y must be greater than 5 and x must be 0.

x.must < 0 | (y.must > 5 & x.must == 0)

Propagation Strength

The propagation strength basically suggests how much effort the solver should put into trying to prune the domains of variables using the constraint. A higher strength can reduce the search space quicker, but at the cost of making each propagation more costly.

Note that no set constraint accepts the propagation strength option.

It’s usually worth testing a few different strength to see how well they work, a good choice of strengths can cut down the search time depending on the problem.

The different strengths are:
Value consistency (naive).
Bounds consistency.
Domain consistency.
Uses the default consistency of the constraint.

The option is specified with the key :strength. The following places a domain consistent distinct constraint on numbers.

numbers.must_be.distinct(:strength => :domain)

The strength generally progresses as :value -> :bounds -> :domain (:value being the weakest, :domain being the strongest).

Propagation Kind

The propagation kind option suggests the implementation that should be preferred if there are multiple implementations of a constraint.

The different kinds are:
Prefer speed over memory consumption.
Prefer low memory consumption over speed.
Uses the constraint’s default propagation kind.

The option is specified with the key :kind. The following tells the tuple constraint, placed on numbers, to favor speed over low memory consumption.

numbers.must_be.in(tuples, :kind => :speed)