Survo Puzzle


Survo puzzle is a kind of logic puzzle presented (in April 2006) and studied by Seppo Mustonen. The name of the puzzle is associated to Mustonen’s Survo system which is a general environment for statistical computing and related areas.

In a Survo puzzle the task is to fill an m * n table by integers 1,2,...,m*n so that each of these numbers appears only once and their row and column sums are equal to integers given on the bottom and the right side of the table. Often some of the integers are given readily in the table in order to guarantee uniqueness of the solution and/or for making the task easier. - Wikipedia


  1 require 'rubygems'
  2 require 'gecoder'
  3 require 'enumerator'
  5 # Survo Puzzle in Gecode/R
  6 #
  7 #
  8 # """
  9 # Survo puzzle is a kind of logic puzzle presented (in April 2006) and studied 
 10 # by Seppo Mustonen. The name of the puzzle is associated to Mustonen's 
 11 # Survo system which is a general environment for statistical computing and 
 12 # related areas.
 13 # 
 14 # In a Survo puzzle the task is to fill an m * n table by integers 1,2,...,m*n so 
 15 # that each of these numbers appears only once and their row and column sums are 
 16 # equal to integers given on the bottom and the right side of the table. 
 17 # Often some of the integers are given readily in the table in order to 
 18 # guarantee uniqueness of the solution and/or for making the task easier.
 19 # """
 20 # 
 21 # See also
 22 #
 23 #
 24 #
 25 # References:
 26 # Mustonen, S. (2006b). "On certain cross sum puzzles", 
 27 # Mustonen, S. (2007b). "Enumeration of uniquely solvable open Survo puzzles.", 
 28 # Kimmo Vehkalahti: "Some comments on magic squares and Survo puzzles",
 29 # R code:
 30 #
 31 # Compare with my other Survo Puzzle models
 32 #
 33 # - MiniZinc:
 34 # - JaCoP:
 35 # - Choco:
 36 #
 37 # Model created by Hakan Kjellerstrand,
 38 # See also my Gecode/R page:
 39 #
 40 # Slight modifications made by Andreas Launila to keep the example in
 41 # line with the other example models.
 42 class SurvoPuzzle
 43   include Gecode::Mixin
 45   # The +clues+ are given as an m*n matrix where 0 represents that the
 46   # cell has no clue. The row sums and column sums are specified by the
 47   # +rowsums+ array of length m, and the +colsums+ array of length n
 48   # respectively.
 49   def initialize(clues, rowsums, colsums)
 50     r = rowsums.length # Number of rows 
 51     c = colsums.length # Number of columns
 53     # Integer variables representing each cell in the m*n table.
 54     cells_is_an int_var_matrix(r, c, 1..r*c)
 56     # Add the constraints.
 57     # Each number must appear only once.
 58     cells.must_be.distinct
 60     # The row sums must be satisfied.
 61     cells.row_vectors.each_with_index do |row, i| 
 62       row.sum.must == rowsums[i]
 63     end
 65     # The column sums must be satisfied.
 66     cells.column_vectors.each_with_index do |column, i| 
 67       column.sum.must == colsums[i] 
 68     end
 70     # The clues must be satisfied.
 71     cells.row_size.times do |i| 
 72       cells.column_size.times do |j|
 73         cells[i,j].must == clues[i,j] if clues[i,j] > 0
 74       end
 75     end
 77     branch_on cells, :variable => :smallest_size, :value => :min
 78   end
 79 end
 81 class Vector
 82   # A helper for summing the contents of a vector.
 83   def sum
 84     inject{ |sum, element| sum + element }
 85   end
 86 end
 88 # Default problem:
 89 # Survo puzzle 126/2008 (25) #363-33148
 90 # From
 91 rowsums = [32,79,60]
 92 colsums = [24,22,43,35,39,8]
 93 clues = Matrix[
 94          [ 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0,32],
 95          [12, 0, 0,16,17, 0,79],
 96          [ 0, 0,15, 0, 0, 2,60],
 97         ]
 99 survo_puzzle =, rowsums, colsums)
100 num_solutions = 0
101 survo_puzzle.each_solution do |s| 
102   num_solutions += 1
103   puts "\nSolution ##{num_solutions}";
104   # Print the solution.
105   s.cells.values.enum_slice(s.cells.column_size).each_with_index do |row,i|
106     row.each{ |element| printf('%3d ', element) }
107     printf ' = %3d ', rowsums[i]
108     puts
109   end
110   colsums.size.times{ printf('%2s= ', '') }
111   puts 
112   colsums.each{ |element| printf('%3d ', element) }
113 end
115 puts "\nNumber of solutions: #{num_solutions}"


Solution #1
  3   4  10   6   8   1  =  32 
 12  11  18  16  17   5  =  79 
  9   7  15  13  14   2  =  60 
  =   =   =   =   =   = 
 24  22  43  35  39   8 
Number of solutions: 1