class Gecode::BoolEnum::BoolEnumConstraintReceiver

BoolEnumConstraintReceiver contains all constraints that can be placed on a BoolEnumOperand.

Constraints are placed by calling Gecode::Operand#must (or any other of the variations defined in Operand), which produces a BoolEnumConstraintReceiver from which the desired constraint can be used.


Constrains bool_enum, with three boolean operands, to take the value of the tuples [false, true, false] or [true, false, true] using #in: [[false, true, false], [true, false, true]]

Constrains bool_enum to channel int_operand using #channel: int_operand

Public Instance Methods

channel(integer_operand, options = {}) click to toggle source

Constrains this enumeration to “channel” integer_operand. This constrains the integer operand to take value i exactly when the operand at index i in the boolean enumeration is true and the others are false.

Beyond the common options the channel constraint can also take the following option:


Specifies an offset for the integer operand. If the offset is set to k then the integer operand takes value i+k exactly when the operand at index i in the boolean enumeration is true and the rest are false.

Neither reification nor negation is supported. The int operand and the enumeration can be interchanged.


# Constrains the enumeration called +option_is_selected+ to be false 
# in the first four positions and have exactly one true operand in 
# the other. selected_option_index 
selected_option_index.must_be > 3

# Constrains the enumeration called +option_is_selected+ to be false 
# in the first five positions and have exactly one true operand in 
# the other., :offset => 1) 
selected_option_index.must_be > 3
# File lib/gecoder/interface/constraints/bool_enum/channel.rb, line 32
def channel(integer_operand, options = {})
  if @params[:negate]
    raise Gecode::MissingConstraintError, 'A negated channel constraint ' + 
      'is not implemented.'
  if options.has_key? :reify
    raise ArgumentError, 'The channel constraint does not support the ' + 
      'reification option.'
  unless integer_operand.respond_to? :to_int_var
    raise TypeError, 'Expected an integer operand, got ' + 
  @params.update(:rhs => integer_operand, 
    :offset => options.delete(:offset) || 0)
  @model.add_constraint, @params)
in(tuples, options = {}) click to toggle source

Constrains all the operands in this enumeration to be equal to one of the specified tuples. Neither negation nor reification is supported.


# Constrains the three boolean operands in +bools+ to either
# be true, false, true, or false, false, true. [[true, false, true], [false, false, true]]

# The same as above, but preferring speed over low memory usage.[[true, false, true], [false, false, true]], 
  :kind => :speed)
# File lib/gecoder/interface/constraints/bool_enum/extensional.rb, line 16
def in(tuples, options = {})
  if @params[:negate]
    raise Gecode::MissingConstraintError, 'A negated tuple constraint is ' +
      'not implemented.'
  unless options[:reify].nil?
    raise ArgumentError, 'Reification is not supported by the tuple ' + 
  util = Gecode::Util
  # Check that the tuples are correct.
  expected_size = @params[:lhs].size
  util::Extensional.perform_tuple_checks(tuples, expected_size) do |tuple|
    unless tuple.all?{ |x| x.kind_of?(TrueClass) or x.kind_of?(FalseClass) }
      raise TypeError, 'All tuples must contain booleans.'
  @params[:tuples] = tuples
match(regexp, options = {}) click to toggle source

Constrains the sequence of operands in this enumeration to match a specified regexp in the boolean domain. Neither negation nor reification is supported.

The regular expressions are specified as described in IntEnumConstraintReceiver#match but true and false can be used instead of integers.


# Constrains the two boolean operands in +bools+ to be false
# and true respectively.
bools.must.match [false, true]

# Constrains the boolean operands in +bools+ to be false,
# except for three consecutive operands which should be true
# followed by false followed by true.
bools.must.match [repeat(false), true, false, true, repeat(false)]]
# File lib/gecoder/interface/constraints/bool_enum/extensional.rb, line 60
def match(regexp, options = {})
  if @params[:negate]
    raise Gecode::MissingConstraintError, 'A negated regexp constraint ' +
      'is not implemented.'
  unless options[:reify].nil?
    raise ArgumentError, 'Reification is not supported by the regexp ' + 

  @params[:regexp] = 
    Gecode::Util::Extensional.parse_regexp regexp
  @params.update Gecode::Util.decode_options(options)
  @model.add_constraint, @params)