Gecoder C0 Coverage Information - RCov


Name Total Lines Lines of Code Total Coverage Code Coverage
lib/gecoder/interface/branch.rb 163 80


Code reported as executed by Ruby looks like this...and this: this line is also marked as covered.Lines considered as run by rcov, but not reported by Ruby, look like this,and this: these lines were inferred by rcov (using simple heuristics).Finally, here's a line marked as not executed.

Coverage Details

1 module Gecode
2   module Mixin
3     # Specifies which variables that should be branched on (given as an
4     # enum of operands or as a single operand). One can optionally
5     # also select which of the variables that should be used first with
6     # the :variable option and which value in that variable's domain
7     # that should be used with the :value option. If nothing is
8     # specified then :variable uses :none and value uses :min.
9     #
10     # The following values can be used with :variable for integer and
11     # boolean enums:
12     # [:none]                 The first unassigned variable.
13     # [:smallest_min]         The one with the smallest minimum.
14     # [:largest_min]          The one with the largest minimum.
15     # [:smallest_max]         The one with the smallest maximum.
16     # [:largest_max]          The one with the largest maximum.
17     # [:smallest_size]        The one with the smallest size.
18     # [:largest_size]         The one with the larges size.
19     # [:smallest_degree]      The one with the smallest degree. The degree of a 
20     #                         variable is defined as the number of dependant 
21     #                         propagators. In case of ties, choose the variable 
22     #                         with smallest domain.
23     # [:largest_degree]       The one with the largest degree. The degree of a 
24     #                         variable is defined as the number of dependant 
25     #                         propagators. In case of ties, choose the variable 
26     #                         with smallest domain.
27     # [:smallest_min_regret]  The one with the smallest min-regret. The 
28     #                         min-regret of a variable is the difference between
29     #                         the smallest and second-smallest value still in 
30     #                         the domain.
31     # [:largest_min_regret]   The one with the largest min-regret. The 
32     #                         min-regret of a variable is the difference between
33     #                         the smallest and second-smallest value still in 
34     #                         the domain.
35     # [:smallest_max_regret]  The one with the smallest max-regret The 
36     #                         max-regret of a variable is the difference between
37     #                         the largest and second-largest value still in 
38     #                         the domain.
39     # [:largest_max_regret]   The one with the largest max-regret. The 
40     #                         max-regret of a variable is the difference between
41     #                         the largest and second-largest value still in 
42     #                         the domain.
43     #
44     # The following values can be used with :value for integer and boolean 
45     # enums:
46     # [:min]        Selects the smallest value.
47     # [:med]        Select the median value.
48     # [:max]        Selects the largest vale
49     # [:split_min]  Selects the lower half of the domain.
50     # [:split_max]  Selects the upper half of the domain.
51     #
52     # The following values can be used with :variable for set enums:
53     # [:none]                 The first unassigned set.
54     # [:smallest_cardinality] The one with the smallest cardinality.
55     # [:largest_cardinality]  The one with the largest cardinality.
56     # [:smallest_unknown]     The one with the smallest number of unknown 
57     #                         elements 
58     # [:largest_unknown]      The one with the largest number of unknown 
59     #                         elements
60     #
61     # The following values can be used with :value set enums: 
62     # [:min]        Selects the smallest value in the unknown part of the set.
63     # [:max]        Selects the largest value in the unknown part of the set.
64     def branch_on(variables, options = {})
65       if variables.respond_to?(:to_int_var) or 
66           variables.respond_to?(:to_bool_var) or 
67           variables.respond_to?(:to_set_var)
68         variables = wrap_enum [variables]
69       end
71       if variables.respond_to? :to_int_enum 
72         add_branch(variables.to_int_enum, options,
73           Constants::BRANCH_INT_VAR_CONSTANTS, 
74           Constants::BRANCH_INT_VALUE_CONSTANTS)
75       elsif variables.respond_to? :to_bool_enum
76         add_branch(variables.to_bool_enum, options, 
77           Constants::BRANCH_INT_VAR_CONSTANTS, 
78           Constants::BRANCH_INT_VALUE_CONSTANTS)
79       elsif variables.respond_to? :to_set_enum
80         add_branch(variables.to_set_enum, options, 
81           Constants::BRANCH_SET_VAR_CONSTANTS, 
82           Constants::BRANCH_SET_VALUE_CONSTANTS)
83       else
84         raise TypeError, "Unknown type of variable enum #{variables.class}."
85       end
86     end
88     private
90     # This is a hack to get RDoc to ignore the constants.
91     module Constants #:nodoc:
92       # Maps the names of the supported variable branch strategies for
93       # integer and booleans to the corresponding constant in Gecode. 
95         :none                 => Gecode::Raw::INT_VAR_NONE,
96         :smallest_min         => Gecode::Raw::INT_VAR_MIN_MIN,
97         :largest_min          => Gecode::Raw::INT_VAR_MIN_MAX, 
98         :smallest_max         => Gecode::Raw::INT_VAR_MAX_MIN, 
99         :largest_max          => Gecode::Raw::INT_VAR_MAX_MAX, 
100         :smallest_size        => Gecode::Raw::INT_VAR_SIZE_MIN, 
101         :largest_size         => Gecode::Raw::INT_VAR_SIZE_MAX,
102         :smallest_degree      => Gecode::Raw::INT_VAR_DEGREE_MIN, 
103         :largest_degree       => Gecode::Raw::INT_VAR_DEGREE_MAX, 
104         :smallest_min_regret  => Gecode::Raw::INT_VAR_REGRET_MIN_MIN,
105         :largest_min_regret   => Gecode::Raw::INT_VAR_REGRET_MIN_MAX,
106         :smallest_max_regret  => Gecode::Raw::INT_VAR_REGRET_MAX_MIN, 
107         :largest_max_regret   => Gecode::Raw::INT_VAR_REGRET_MAX_MAX
108       }
109       # Maps the names of the supported variable branch strategies for sets to 
110       # the corresponding constant in Gecode. 
111       BRANCH_SET_VAR_CONSTANTS = { #:nodoc:
112         :none                 => Gecode::Raw::SET_VAR_NONE,
113         :smallest_cardinality => Gecode::Raw::SET_VAR_MIN_CARD,
114         :largest_cardinality  => Gecode::Raw::SET_VAR_MAX_CARD, 
115         :smallest_unknown     => Gecode::Raw::SET_VAR_MIN_UNKNOWN_ELEM, 
116         :largest_unknown      => Gecode::Raw::SET_VAR_MAX_UNKNOWN_ELEM
117       }
119       # Maps the names of the supported value branch strategies for integers and
120       # booleans to the corresponding constant in Gecode. 
121       BRANCH_INT_VALUE_CONSTANTS = { #:nodoc:
122         :min        => Gecode::Raw::INT_VAL_MIN,
123         :med        => Gecode::Raw::INT_VAL_MED,
124         :max        => Gecode::Raw::INT_VAL_MAX,
125         :split_min  => Gecode::Raw::INT_VAL_SPLIT_MIN,
126         :split_max  => Gecode::Raw::INT_VAL_SPLIT_MAX
127       }
128       # Maps the names of the supported value branch strategies for sets to the 
129       # corresponding constant in Gecode. 
130       BRANCH_SET_VALUE_CONSTANTS = { #:nodoc:
131         :min  => Gecode::Raw::SET_VAL_MIN,
132         :max  => Gecode::Raw::SET_VAL_MAX
133       }
134     end
136     # Adds a branching selection for the specified variables with the specified
137     # options. The hashes are used to decode the options into Gecode's 
138     # constants.
139     def add_branch(variables, options, branch_var_hash, branch_value_hash)
140       # Extract optional arguments.
141       var_strat = options.delete(:variable) || :none
142       val_strat = options.delete(:value) || :min
144       # Check that the options are correct.
145       unless options.empty?
146         raise ArgumentError, 'Unknown branching option given: ' + 
147           options.keys.join(', ')
148       end
149       unless branch_var_hash.include? var_strat
150         raise ArgumentError, "Unknown variable selection strategy: #{var_strat}"
151       end
152       unless branch_value_hash.include? val_strat
153         raise ArgumentError, "Unknown value selection strategy: #{val_strat}"
154       end
156       # Add the branching as a gecode interaction.
157       add_interaction do
158         Gecode::Raw.branch(active_space, variables.bind_array, 
159           branch_var_hash[var_strat], branch_value_hash[val_strat])
160       end
161     end
162   end
163 end

Generated on Thu Jan 08 13:27:03 +0100 2015 with rcov 1.0.0