Gecoder C0 Coverage Information - RCov


Name Total Lines Lines of Code Total Coverage Code Coverage
lib/gecoder/interface/constraints/selected_set_constraints.rb 75 34


Code reported as executed by Ruby looks like this...and this: this line is also marked as covered.Lines considered as run by rcov, but not reported by Ruby, look like this,and this: these lines were inferred by rcov (using simple heuristics).Finally, here's a line marked as not executed.

Coverage Details

1 # A module containing constraints that have set_enum[set] as left hand
2 # side.
3 module Gecode::SelectedSet #:nodoc:
4   # A SelectedSetOperand is an uncommon operand that results from calling 
5   # SetEnumOperand#[] with a SetOperand. It facilitates placing the 
6   # constraints defined in SelectedSetConstraintReceiver
7   #
8   # ==== Examples 
9   #
10   # Producing a SelectedSetOperand from +set_enum+ and +set_operand+:
11   #
12   #   set_enum[set_operand]
13   #
14   class SelectedSetOperand
15     include Gecode::Operand 
17     # Constructs a new selected set operand from +set_enum+ and +set+.
18     def initialize(set_enum, set) #:nodoc:
19       unless set_enum.respond_to? :to_set_enum
20         raise TypeError, "Expected set enum operand, got #{set_enum.class}."
21       end
22       unless set.respond_to? :to_set_var
23         raise TypeError, "Expected set operand, got #{set.class}."
24       end
26       @set_enum = set_enum
27       @set = set
28     end
30     # Returns the set enum and set that make up the selected set
31     # operand.
32     def to_selected_set #:nodoc:
33       return @set_enum, @set
34     end
36     def model #:nodoc:
37       @set_enum.model
38     end
40     private
42     def construct_receiver(params)
43, params)
44     end
45   end
47   # SelectedSetConstraintReceiver contains all constraints that can be
48   # placed on a SelectedSetOperand.
49   #
50   # Constraints are placed by calling SelectedSetOperand#must (or any other
51   # of the variations defined in Operand), which produces a 
52   # SelectedSetConstraintReceiver from which the desired constraint can 
53   # be used.
54   #
55   # ==== Examples 
56   #
57   # Constrains the sets in +set_enum+ that are selected by +set_operand+ to be
58   # disjoint. This uses SetEnumOperand#[] and
59   # SelectedSetConstraintReceiver#disjoint. 
60   #
61   #   set_enum[set_operand].must_be.disjoint
62   #
63   class SelectedSetConstraintReceiver < Gecode::ConstraintReceiver
64     # Raises TypeError unless the left hand side is a selected set operand.
65     def initialize(model, params) #:nodoc:
66       super
68       unless params[:lhs].respond_to? :to_selected_set
69         raise TypeError, 'Must have selected set operand as left hand side.'
70       end
71     end
72   end
73 end
75 require 'gecoder/interface/constraints/selected_set/select'

Generated on Thu Jan 08 13:27:03 +0100 2015 with rcov 1.0.0