Gecoder C0 Coverage Information - RCov


Name Total Lines Lines of Code Total Coverage Code Coverage
lib/gecoder/interface/enum_wrapper.rb 205 150


Code reported as executed by Ruby looks like this...and this: this line is also marked as covered.Lines considered as run by rcov, but not reported by Ruby, look like this,and this: these lines were inferred by rcov (using simple heuristics).Finally, here's a line marked as not executed.

Coverage Details

1 module Gecode
2   module Mixin
3     # Wraps a custom enumerable so that constraints can be specified using it.
4     # The argument is altered and returned. 
5     def wrap_enum(enum)
6       unless enum.kind_of? Enumerable
7         raise TypeError, 'Only enumerables can be wrapped.'
8       end
9       if enum.kind_of? Gecode::EnumMethods
10         raise ArgumentError, 'The enumration is already wrapped.'
11       end
12       elements = enum.to_a
13       if elements.empty?
14         raise ArgumentError, 'Enumerable must not be empty.'
15       end
17       if elements.all?{ |var| var.respond_to? :to_int_var }
18!{ |var| var.to_int_var }
19         class <<enum
20           include Gecode::IntEnumMethods
21         end
22       elsif elements.all?{ |var| var.respond_to? :to_bool_var }
23!{ |var| var.to_bool_var }
24         class <<enum
25           include Gecode::BoolEnumMethods
26         end
27       elsif elements.all?{ |var| var.respond_to? :to_set_var }
28!{ |var| var.to_set_var }
29         class <<enum
30           include Gecode::SetEnumMethods
31         end
32       elsif elements.all?{ |var| var.kind_of? Fixnum }
33         class <<enum
34           include Gecode::FixnumEnumMethods
35         end
36       else
37         raise TypeError, "Enumerable doesn't contain operands #{enum.inspect}."
38       end
40       enum.model = self
41       return enum
42     end
43   end
45   # A module containing the methods needed by enumerations containing
46   # operands.
47   module EnumMethods #:nodoc:
48     attr_accessor :model
49     # Gets the current space of the model the array is connected to.
50     def active_space
51       @model.active_space
52     end
53   end
55   module VariableEnumMethods #:nodoc:
56     include EnumMethods
58     # Gets the values of all the operands in the enum.
59     def values
60       map{ |var| var.value }
61     end
62   end
64   # A module containing the methods needed by enumerations containing int 
65   # operands. Requires that it's included in an enumerable.
66   module IntEnumMethods #:nodoc:
67     include IntEnum::IntEnumOperand
68     include VariableEnumMethods
70     # Returns an int variable array with all the bound variables.
71     def bind_array
72       space = @model.active_space
73       unless @bound_space == space
74         elements = to_a
75         @bound_arr =, elements.size)
76         elements.each_with_index{ |var, index| @bound_arr[index] = var.bind }
77         @bound_space = space
78       end
79       return @bound_arr
80     end
82     # Returns the receiver.
83     def to_int_enum
84       self
85     end
87     # Returns the smallest range that contains the domains of all integer 
88     # variables involved.
89     def domain_range
90       inject(nil) do |range, var|
91         min = var.min
92         max = var.max
93         next min..max if range.nil?
95         range = min..range.last if min < range.first
96         range = range.first..max if max > range.last
97         range
98       end
99     end
100   end
102   # A dummy class that just shows what methods an int enum responds to.
103   class IntEnum::Dummy < Array #:nodoc:
104     include IntEnum::IntEnumOperand
105     include VariableEnumMethods
106   end
108   # A module containing the methods needed by enumerations containing boolean
109   # operands. Requires that it's included in an enumerable.
110   module BoolEnumMethods #:nodoc:
111     include BoolEnum::BoolEnumOperand
112     include VariableEnumMethods
114     # Returns a bool variable array with all the bound variables.
115     def bind_array
116       space = @model.active_space
117       unless @bound_space == space
118         elements = to_a
119         @bound_arr =, elements.size)
120         elements.each_with_index{ |var, index| @bound_arr[index] = var.bind }
121         @bound_space = space
122       end
123       return @bound_arr
124     end
126     # Returns the receiver.
127     def to_bool_enum
128       self
129     end
130   end
132   # A dummy class that just shows what methods a bool enum responds to.
133   class BoolEnum::Dummy < Array #:nodoc:
134     include BoolEnum::BoolEnumOperand
135     include VariableEnumMethods
136   end
138   # A module containing the methods needed by enumerations containing set
139   # operands. Requires that it's included in an enumerable.
140   module SetEnumMethods #:nodoc:
141     include SetEnum::SetEnumOperand
142     include VariableEnumMethods
144     # Returns a set variable array with all the bound variables.
145     def bind_array
146       space = @model.active_space
147       unless @bound_space == space
148         elements = to_a
149         @bound_arr =, elements.size)
150         elements.each_with_index{ |var, index| @bound_arr[index] = var.bind }
151         @bound_space = space
152       end
153       return @bound_arr
154     end
156     # Returns the receiver.
157     def to_set_enum
158       self
159     end
161     # Returns the range of the union of the contained sets' upper bounds.
162     def upper_bound_range
163       inject(nil) do |range, var|
164         upper_bound = var.upper_bound
165         min = upper_bound.min
166         max = upper_bound.max
167         next min..max if range.nil?
169         range = min..range.last if min < range.first
170         range = range.first..max if max > range.last
171         range
172       end
173     end
174   end
176   # A dummy class that just shows what methods a set enum responds to.
177   class SetEnum::Dummy < Array #:nodoc:
178     include SetEnum::SetEnumOperand
179     include VariableEnumMethods
180   end
182   # A module containing the methods needed by enumerations containing fixnums. 
183   # Requires that it's included in an enumerable.
184   module FixnumEnumMethods #:nodoc:
185     include FixnumEnum::FixnumEnumOperand
186     include EnumMethods
188     # Returns the receiver.
189     def to_fixnum_enum
190       self
191     end
193     # Returns the smallest range that contains the domains of all integer 
194     # variables involved.
195     def domain_range
196       min..max
197     end
198   end
200   # A dummy class that just shows what methods a fixnum enum responds to.
201   class FixnumEnum::Dummy < Array #:nodoc:
202     include FixnumEnum::FixnumEnumOperand
203     include VariableEnumMethods
204   end
205 end

Generated on Thu Jan 08 13:27:03 +0100 2015 with rcov 1.0.0