class Gecode::Int::IntConstraintReceiver

IntConstraintReceiver contains all constraints that can be placed on an IntOperand.

Constraints are placed by calling Gecode::Operand#must (or any other of the variations defined in Operand), which produces a IntConstraintReceiver from which the desired constraint can be used.

Each constraint accepts a number of options. See ConstraintReceiver for more information.


Constrains int_operand to be strictly greater than 5 using IntConstraintReceiver#>:

int_operand.must > 5

Constrains int_operand1 plus int_operand2 to be strictly greater than 5 using the IntOperand#+ property and IntConstraintReceiver#>:

(int_operand1 + int_operand2).must > 5

Constrains the maximum value of the integer operands in int_enum to not be in the range 3..7 using the IntEnumOperand#max property and #in: 3..7

Constrains the integer operand at position int_operand in int_enum, an enumeration of integer operands, to be greater than or equal to int_operand2. This uses the IntEnumOperand#[] property and IntConstraintReceiver#>=:

int_enum[int_operand].must >= int_operand2

The same as above, but specifying that strength :domain should be used and that the constraint should be reified with bool_operand:

int_enum[int_operand].must_be.greater_or_equal(int_operand2, :strength => :domain, :reify => bool_operand)

Public Instance Methods

<(int_operand_or_fixnum, options = {}) click to toggle source

Constrains the integer operand to be strictly less than int_operand_or_fixnum. lesser and lesser_than are aliases of this method.


# +int1+ must be strictly less than +int2+
int1.must < int2

# +int+ must be strictly less than 17
int.must < 17

# +int1+ must be strictly less than +int2+. We reify the
# constraint with +bool+ and select +domain+ as strength.
int1.must_be.less_than(int2, :reify => bool, :strength => :domain)
# File doc/tmp/rdoc_dev/gecoder/interface/constraints/int/relation.rb, line 74
def <(int_operand_or_fixnum, options = {})
  comparison(:<, int_operand_or_fixnum, options)
<=(int_operand_or_fixnum, options = {}) click to toggle source

Constrains the integer operand to be less than or equal to int_operand_or_fixnum. less_or_equal and less_than_or_equal_to are aliases of this method.


# +int1+ must be less than or equal to +int2+
int1.must <= int2

# +int+ must be less than or equal to 17
int.must <= 17

# +int1+ must be less than or equal to +int2+. We reify the
# constraint with +bool+ and select +domain+ as strength.
int1.must.less_or_equal(int2, :reify => bool, :strength => :domain)
# File doc/tmp/rdoc_dev/gecoder/interface/constraints/int/relation.rb, line 93
def <=(int_operand_or_fixnum, options = {})
  comparison(:<=, int_operand_or_fixnum, options)
==(bool, options = {}) click to toggle source

Constrains the integer operand to be equal to the specified boolean operand. I.e. constrains the integer operand to be 1 when the boolean operand is true and 0 if the boolean operand is false.


# The integer operand +int+ must be one exactly when the boolean 
# operand +bool+ is true.
int.must == bool
# File doc/tmp/rdoc_dev/gecoder/interface/constraints/int/channel.rb, line 14
def ==(bool, options = {})
  unless @params[:lhs].respond_to? :to_int_var and 
      bool.respond_to? :to_bool_var
    return pre_channel_equals(bool, options)
  if @params[:negate]
    raise Gecode::MissingConstraintError, 'A negated channel constraint ' +
      'is not implemented.'
  unless options[:reify].nil?
    raise ArgumentError, 'Reification is not supported by the channel ' + 
  @params[:rhs] = bool
  @model.add_constraint, @params)
Also aliased as: pre_channel_equals
>(int_operand_or_fixnum, options = {}) click to toggle source

Constrains the integer operand to be strictly greater than int_operand_or_fixnum. greater and greater_than are aliases of this method.


# +int1+ must be strictly greater than +int2+
int1.must > int2

# +int+ must be strictly greater than 17
int.must > 17

# +int1+ must be strictly greater than +int2+. We reify the
# constraint with +bool+ and select +domain+ as strength.
int1.must_be.greater_than(int2, :reify => bool, :strength => :domain)
# File doc/tmp/rdoc_dev/gecoder/interface/constraints/int/relation.rb, line 36
def >(int_operand_or_fixnum, options = {})
  comparison(:>, int_operand_or_fixnum, options)
>=(int_operand_or_fixnum, options = {}) click to toggle source

Constrains the integer operand to be greater than or equal to int_operand_or_fixnum. greater_or_equal and greater_than_or_equal_to are aliases of this method.


# +int1+ must be greater than or equal to +int2+
int1.must >= int2

# +int+ must be greater than or equal to 17
int.must >= 17

# +int1+ must be greater than or equal to +int2+. We reify the
# constraint with +bool+ and select +domain+ as strength.
int1.must.greater_or_equal(int2, :reify => bool, :strength => :domain)
# File doc/tmp/rdoc_dev/gecoder/interface/constraints/int/relation.rb, line 55
def >=(int_operand_or_fixnum, options = {})
  comparison(:>=, int_operand_or_fixnum, options)
in(domain, options = {}) click to toggle source

Creates a domain constraint using the specified domain, specified as an enumeration of integers. The integer operand is constrained to take a value in the domain. Domains should be specified as ranges if possible.


# +x+ must be in the range 1..10 1..10

# +x+ must not be in the range -5...5 -5...5

# Specifies the above, but reifies the constraint with the boolean 
# operand +bool+ and specified +value+ as strength., :reify => bool, :strength => :value)

# +x+ must be in the enumeration [3,5,7]. [3,5,7]

# +x+ must not be in the enumeration [5,6,7,17]. [5,6,7,17]

# Specifies the above, but reifies the constraint with the boolean 
# operand +bool+ and specified +value+ as strength.[5,6,7,17], :reify => bool, :strength => :value)
# File doc/tmp/rdoc_dev/gecoder/interface/constraints/int/domain.rb, line 30
def in(domain, options = {})
  @params[:domain] = domain
  if domain.kind_of? Range
    @model.add_constraint, @params)
  elsif domain.kind_of?(Enumerable) and domain.all?{ |e| e.kind_of? Fixnum }
    raise TypeError, "Expected integer enumerable, got #{domain.class}."
pre_channel_equals(bool, options = {})
Alias for: ==

Public Class Methods

new(model, params) click to toggle source

Raises TypeError unless the left hand side is an int operand.

Calls superclass method
# File doc/tmp/rdoc_dev/gecoder/interface/constraints/int_var_constraints.rb, line 216
def initialize(model, params) 

  unless params[:lhs].respond_to? :to_int_var
    raise TypeError, 'Must have int operand as left hand side.'